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- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <curses.h>
- /*
- listing 1 - sample curses application
- sample.c
- */
- /* define window pointer */
- WINDOW *win;
- main()
- {
- /* must be called before any curses command */
- initscr();
- /* get space for window at coordinates (y,x,begy,begx) */
- /* y is # of rows, x is # of columns */
- /* begy & begx are the positions on the screen */
- win = newwin(24,80,0,0);
- /* surround the window with characters provided */
- box (win, '|', '-');
- /* place the string in win at position y,x */
- mvwaddstr(win,2,2, "enter a character to erase window");
- /* this must be done to view changes on screen */
- /* otherwise changes are made only in memory */
- wrefresh(win);
- /* get a single character from the keyboard */
- wgetch(win);
- /* erase the window in memory */
- werase(win);
- /* necessary to complete the erase on screen */
- wrefresh(win);
- /* remove the window from memory */
- delwin(win);
- /* must be called to end a curses program */
- endwin();
- }